Hello! You've come to the review part of the page; the part where I write a big huge paragraph about my opinion of Persona 5.
(oh boy can't wait to translate this one)

I warn you, this will either be super long or it will devolve into illiterate words written by a person who writes words late at night because that is somehow excpected of him, you see, it's already happening.

Maybe this will be funny to someone on 14.02.2023. (wow look at that valentines day) but i am currently writing this with the most "done" facial expression I have ever had ok ok sorry I apologize, this is supposed to be a review. (you better be sorry)

I played Persona 5 over the christmas/new year holidays and that's pretty much all I did during them (real).
Persona games are long, aproximately this much:

As you can see, I am not okay, or maybe I am since this game was really really fun. I would wake up and think to myself "Hey I could play persona" and then I would play persona. The game perfectly balances its two parts, if the game were just an rpg it would be too boring, but if the game were just a life simulator it would also be boring. But since both parts influence each other, you're always thinking about what will happen next and how you could use certain things in both halves of gameplay. (good job describing the core of the game)

The game gives you enough incentive to keep playing and that's really special.

Sadly every game has its problems and this one has two main ones, in my opinion. (really starting to sound like a video essayist) The game is too easy, even on hard. I beat the final boss without thinking and I even didn't notice you could target things other than the main boss in the fight (talking about non Royal final boss)

However, my main problem is what was added at the end of the game with Royal, after you "beat the game", if you've fulfilled some conditions then you can play one more last part of the game which is completely unecessary and lasts way too long for what it is. Even so, I can't be too hard on it because it does have some good parts but honestly it's not worth the trouble. Especially after the already long normal last part of the game.

All in all, Persona 5 is one of the best RPGs of the 21. century, no matter how easy it is. Simply because of the general feel of the game and the fact that I literally could not stop playing it I think it deserves 8.5/10 stars (I'd give it a 9 today), sadly half stars don't exist in this, (referring to the weird built-in stars down there) (or maybe they do exist but I couldn't be bothered) so i'll round it down to 8 like the little dummy i am. Good night and Good bye. (I'm putting 9 stars instead of 8)